We offer worship, LIVE, online at our FCC Facebook page and audio recordings of the message on this site.
We are pleased that God has brought you our way. We invite you to worship with us as we learn, grow and encourage one another. Jesus established the church to be a community that follows Him so we pray, listen with compassion, forgive, and nurture. He made us one big family to encourage each other and to project His love to the world. As a family, our desire is to love each other without conditions. We admit that we fail at this sometimes on our own. We need His constant help. We pray that the Lord continually empowers us to demonstrate His love to you and all those around us. If you are in search of folks who will accept you where you are and beckon you to grow in God's love, Welcome!
9am - Sunday School
10am - Worship
7:30am - Men's Bible Study
10:00am & 2:00pm - Women's Bible Study
4pm - Choir Practice (currently on break)
Mitch Sayler - Pastor
Janel Riley - Administrative Assistant
417-858-8200 fcc4him@yahoo.com 23222 Hwy 39 Shell Knob MO 65747